There’s no earthly pleasure I value more than rest. I plan my days around when I can nap. I have an extensive nighttime routine that involves red light therapy and a strict no-phone policy. I use an ergonomic pillow. My weighted blanket is my best friend. To put it simply—sleep is precious to me, and I’ll stop at nothing in pursuit of the best night of rest I can possibly get.
panic packing? I don't know her.
The latest, and possibly greatest, addition to my sleep routine? My Nodpod weighted sleep mask. As someone with an overactive mind (I tend to imagine full-length movies in the minutes before I fall asleep), I desperately needed something to quiet the noise and help me drift away into a peaceful slumber—and stay there. I’ve been using the Nodpod weighted sleep mask for some time now and can confidently say I’m getting the best sleep of my life right now. Here’s my full review:
This weighted blanket for your eyes is designed to equally distribute gentle pressure across your eyes and forehead while sleeping, combatting an overactive mind and promoting a deep, restful sleep.
Available in 6 colors
About the Nodpod Sleep Mask
The people behind the Nodpod weighted sleep mask truly thought of everything. It can be placed in the freezer for a little bit of cold therapy before bed; it has hollow ends that allow you to use it whether you’re a side or back sleeper; it features a cooling jersey cotton on one side and a warm microfiber material on the other; and is machine-washable to boot. Plus, at only $35, trying one out if you have the slightest desire to improve your sleep quality is a no-brainer.
The Nodpod weighted sleep mask isn’t so heavy that it’s distracting, either. Instead, it applies gentle pressure across key pressure points (eyes, forehead, and temples) to help quiet your mind before bed. This technique is called deep touch pressure, and it’s the reason weighted sleep products (like blankets and masks) are recommended for those with anxiety. Deep touch pressure alleviates stress and anxiety (a common cause of restless and fitful sleep) by calming the sympathetic nervous system (your body’s fight or flight response) and lowering cortisol, the stress hormone. The Nodpod weighted sleep mask is designed with deep touch pressure therapy in mind, making it the ideal addition to a sleep routine that’s marred by overthinking, stress, or anxiety.
Why I love the Nodpod Sleep Mask
To put it extremely simply, I don’t sleep well. I have a hard time falling asleep, can never get comfortable, and wake up frequently throughout the night. My husband, on the other hand, sleeps like an angel and always wakes up ready to take on the day. I’ve been chasing what he seems to naturally come by for years. Over time, I’ve adopted a pretty solid bedtime routine that actually leaves me feeling well-rested in the morning. But I still struggled with quieting my mind and staying asleep. Since incorporating Nodpod into my routine, my sleep has improved tenfold.
Now, when I’m ready to go to sleep (usually after reading a couple of chapters on my Kindle), I reach for my Nodpod sleep mask and drape it over my eyes. Instead of replaying every embarrassing thing I’ve ever done as I wait for sleep’s warm embrace to finally take me, my Nodpod helps me fall asleep within just a few minutes. I wouldn’t say it solves my stress and anxiety completely—those feelings are still there, but when I slip on my Nodpod, they’re dampened, less all-consuming, and I’m able to peacefully drift asleep.
What’s more, I find that I actually stay asleep now. Before, on particularly restless nights, I’d wake up in the early hours of the morning and be unable to fall back asleep for hours. Those nights are few and far between now that I have a Nodpod, but on the rare occasion that I do wake up (usually because my Nodpod has slipped off—but don’t worry, there is a strap to keep it secure if you toss and turn), I just replace my mask and fall right back to bed.
This weighted blanket for your eyes is designed to equally distribute gentle pressure across your eyes and forehead while sleeping, combatting an overactive mind and promoting a deep, restful sleep.
Available in 6 colors
Final thoughts
I’m never going to be a morning person (in fact, I do my best work and am most awake in the evening!), but when I sleep with my Nodpod, I find myself feeling well-rested and ready to take on the day when I wake up. In the past, I wouldn’t wish the person I was in the morning on my fiercest enemy, but I feel downright pleasant when I wake up these days.
I’ll probably never stop trying to achieve better sleep (in my opinion, it’s the foundation of optimal wellness), but I truly feel like the Nodpod weighted sleep mask is a miracle product and will always be the first thing I recommend to someone who says they wish they slept better.